AngularJS Development Services is used by web developers who aspire to design a web app in a dynamic manner. In case, if your developers are going to start a project on AngularJS, they need numerous tools to develop your website in a full-fledged manner.
Tools used in Angularjs
Karma – It is one of the favorite testing frameworks for AngularJS development. It provides you perfect testing environment allowing you to test the app on real browsers and real devices such as phones and tablets.
Protractor – It is an end-to-end test framework. This is a Node.js program which is build on top of WebDriverJS. It runs tests in a browser interacting with the app as any normal user would.
Jasmine – Jasmine is behavior driven testing framework does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. It is ideally suited for any Node.js projects, or anywhere else where JavaScript runs.
Djangular – Djangular is a reusable app providing better app integration with AngularJS. With the help of Djangular you can create AngularJS content per app. – Ment.iol introduces mentions and macros widget with no dependencies on jQuery. You can use directive directly to any element and accepts selectable text inputs.
Angular Kickstart– This tools speeds up your AngularJS development it comes with a scalable build system that makes the development process a cakewalk.
AngularFire – AngularFire can easily create a backend for your Angular app. It has flexible API and 3-way data binding, and rapid development capabilities eases development.
These tools are used frequently by Angularjs developers which are helpful for them also this tools save there time and output would be accurate.