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Must Know Laravel Tips Tricks and Hacks to Improve Coding Knowledge

· Web Development
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Without a doubt, Laravel framework is well-known among the large community of PHP developers for writing clean, working and debuggable code. The framework also has support for many many features, that sometimes aren’t listed in the docs, or they were, but they were removed for various reasons.

In the ever so crowded world of PHP framework, CodeIgniter once started fizzling out, and this gave place to Taylor Otwell's Laravel framework. It soon became the darling of the huge PHP community. It has an amazingly simple and elegant syntax which makes building applications with Laravel and PHP fun and like a work of art. With each new version release, Laravel has improved steadily. The entire PHP community; be it a solo developer working with Laravel or a Laravel framework development company, cannot seem to get enough of its good parts.

Let’s look at some of the most simple tricks and tips to code better with Laravel and PHP

Flexible Routing:- Laravel is unique because it can be used in a number of ways. If you prefer a simpler, more Sinatra-like routing system, Laravel can definitely offer that quite easily, using closures. Such a system can prove beneficial for small projects and APIs, however chances are high that you will need controllers for most of your projects. But laravel is here to the rescue.

Using Jobs:- Laravel Jobs act as a great tool to help you run tasks in the background. They help you give up on loading time for your users on time-consuming tasks. You can put them in named queues, you can prioritize them, and not just that, Laravel can implement queues almost everywhere where it is possible: be it for processing PHP in the background or sending notifications or broadcasting events, queues are always there.

Using packages:- Instead of going all ‘scientist’ with your programming, sometimes using the readily available packages is the best option. Do not think of reinventing things, this can take up a significant amount of time when working on projects. Some of the best available packages are:

  • Laravel Blade Directives
  • Laravel CORS (protect your routes from other origins)
  • Laravel Tag Helper (better usage of HTML tags in Blade)
  • Laravel Sluggable (useful when it comes to generating slugs)
  • Laravel Responder (build a JSON API easier)
  • Passport (OAuth implementation for routes)
  • Horizon (supervising queues with minimal configuration)
  • Socialite (minimal configuration to login with social media)
  • Spatie’s Collection Macros (more macros on collections)
  • Spatie’s ActivityLog (track activity for models)
  • Spatie’s Backup (backup files and databases)
  • Spatie’s Blade-X (define your HTML tags; works well with Laravel Tag Helper)
  • Image Intervention (handle images in style)
  • Spatie’s Media Library (an easy way to attach files to models)
  • Spatie’s Response Cache (cache controller responses)

Request files:- With the laravel framework, you get an eloquent way to validate your forms. Be it a POST request or a GET request, it will not fail to validate it if the need arises. However, at times when you are overburdened with code in your controller methods, things can get out of hands. You might want to reduce as much code as possible in your controller. This is where request files come in for the aid.


Coding in PHP with Laravel is the best thing that happened to the community. The framework found its place among the hearts of developers and built a solid reputation. Today, a huge number of websites are built with PHP, and learning a few tricks about the most desired framework in PHP can surely help one go a long way.