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5 Expert ReactJS tips that you need to know today

· Web Development

ReactJS is one of the web’s most popular JavaScript frameworks. It has grown up rapidly nowadays in web designing and is found that React is one of the most popular tools found in a web developer’s library. We will share some tips about React that will improve your code output.

1.Higher-order components

Components like logging or network requests are there in Reactjs also they often share functionality with each other. From the components, developers can abstract their share code and include it where it is necessary.

2. Error boundaries

Errors are common in developing any projects they can happen in such situations you can try error boundaries which was updated in Reactjs back in Sept. 2017. When there is an error it simply finds a component that will handle error as a generic component that solves the errors.


Portals are the part in v16 version that will allow React to render components into DOM nodes that are separate from rest of applications as it allows the structure of code as suitable as you want. This means that any event that gets triggered inside the portal will pop up through parent in React and not by portal container element itself.

4.CSS with styled-components

CSS with components is the way to take charge of components in own styles. This means that you can adjust visuals on your code easily and it is an advantage. It creates a new ready styled classes and components and that makes templates look cool.

5.Code splitting

With a single page application all the code is bundled into one file so you have to manage it, React creates lot of smaller components. As React encourages creating lots of smaller components, there are plenty of opportunities to break up the bundle. React has loadable packages which enables a component to define exactly what it needs to render and Webpack can automatically split up its bundle to accommodate this.


To make web design through Reactjs you can surely consider these tips for your organisation or your personal websites or you can contact our developers for React js Development Services.